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About Me

Work: Currently, I am the CTO for Carfeine where I design the overall technical architecture. I prefer using (mostly) open source technology. My current favorite stack is centered around Supabase, Next.JS with Typescript, and Inngest.

I’m available for consulting on PostgreSQL databases, B2B SaaS product architecture design, and project development workflow and automation tools. Check out my career highlights in my résumé or my full detailed career history on LinkedIn.

Education: I am a graduated gradual student from the Computer Science Department of Duke University where I received my Ph.D. in 1994. My dissertation project was evaluating performance problems in NUMA shared memory multiprocessors. I received my BS in 1988 from the University of Maryland, College Park, and my High School diploma in 1985 from Richard Montgomery High School, in Rockville, MD.

Play: I tend to spend all of my free time playing with my daughters and wife. I work out at MoCo CrossFit a couple of times a week. I enthusiastically recommend CrossFit to push yourself to your physical limits and have fun with great people at the same time.

Feel free to send me mail at I make use of GPG for secure communications. Here is my GPG public key. My personal mail is filtered by Google, so try not to make it look like junk mail!